Lilaas AS is an industrial technology and a high-tech production company with years of experience.
The company owns a lot of expertise in machining a wide range of materials, developing and assembling mechanics, electronics and software. We have skilled operators and engineers and state of the art equipped departments for mechanical production, control and manual assembly. We operate with products in the field of precision mechanics in the dimension-range from less than 1 mm up to hand-held units and are familiar with tolerances down to few thousands of a millimeter.
Lilaas AS was established as Lilaas Finmekaniske back in 1961. The company is located in the town of Horten, Norway, and has customers within the fields of space/satellite related industry, science, defence, maritime, underwater technology, offshore, medical and industry in general. We operates as subcontractor of small, fine- and precision-mechanical components, assembled products and/or readymade products with integrated electronics and software – configured, tested and certified due to customer specifications/regulations.
As well, the company has a range of own products which are different kinds of MMIs, control levers and joysticks. Our control levers and joysticks are mainly delivered shipbuilders, maritime and offshore related industry. Most of our products are certified by DNV GL, and Lilaas AS is certified under NS-EN ISO 9001-2015.
The company is one of the major actors within the fields of these products worldwide and are used onboard all kinds of vessels where high precision control of the ship, the navigation system, the crane, the winches and similar are critical.
Lilaas AS has production of precision mechanics; as details, as assembled units and as system solutions. The company is well known as a creative partner for ideas and problem solving on different fields. We have received a handful awards of design excellence, both national and international. We cooperate with demanding customers and many well-known companies are on our reference list.
Our company manufactures small and medium sized details in a wide range of materials, such as stainless/acid-proof steel, titan, inconel, covar, hasteloy, copper- and brass-alloys, aluminum and various plastic materials.
The advanced machinery makes us capable to cope with stringent grades of tolerances, a characteristic force of our production. Our highly skilled operators operate 15 CNC machines. Our control department ensures the same high quality for prototypes, single details, batch production and repair.
The development department for mechanics, electronics and SW are staffed with highly qualified engineers and offers closely integrated cooperation with clients, from ideas to prototype and finished products.
Our strategy for the future include growth and development in precision mechanics, both capacity and capability, with investments in machinery and crew/human resources.
Learn more about our precision mechanics:
Lilaas control a wide range of different technologies applicable to application areas in maritime-, train-, defence-, medicine-, robot tool- and space industry.